Thank you, Phoenix + LA!
Hello, all! It’s been a few weeks now since I returned from My West Coast travels, and I am happy to say any trace of the nasty virus I caught in LA has finally left My body. Being sick four out of the six days I spent in LA put quite a damper on the trip. I pride Myself on being a trooper, but even this one took Me down. Regardless, I managed to participate in several BDSM scenes with some of the hottest and fiercest Women in FemDom, some of which ended up on film.*
In Phoenix, I spent time with the gracious Goddess Sadie at Her Secret Shangri-La. She and I met during Her last visit to Chicago a couple of years ago, so it was a pleasure to spend more time getting to know Her and spend time in Her domain. It has always been important to Me to surround Myself with those that inspire Me, those who will expand and inspire My passion and devotion in life and in this lifestyle. Goddess Sadie, being a strong, devoted Woman, fits that description well.

And as luck would have it, a retired Chicago Domina and NYC/Milwaukee-based Domina Myrina Douleur were in the city as well. An afternoon was spent in the company of these Women, and it was quite delightful to be in like minded company!
Once I arrived in LA, I went straight to Venice Beach where I spent the first two days enjoying time to Myself. On the third day, the whirlwind began. I attended and played at Isabella Sinclaire’s Domme Collective party where some heavy, delicious sadism occurred alongside former Chicago resident Mistress Bella Bathory and a slew of Dominas from the group. Images shall forever remain in My memory bank of blood droplets splattering beautifully on the white tile floor of the medical room from the many needles penetrating a masochist’s flesh from his nipples to (quite literally) his toes! Unfortunately I was simply too busy having fun to browse the DeMask showroom at Isabella’s play space during the party. Next time…

I was completely out of commission the next couple of days, save for a couple of rides in a convertible while wrapped in a blanket. At least I was able to do a very slight bit of sight-seeing on the days the sun did decide to make an appearance.

The trip did end on a high note. Mistress Bella and I filmed a few scenes on a set that is perfect for sadism! I normally shoot clips in dungeons or dungeon-like settings, so this was a great change of pace! Not to mention working with a professional bottom, that was a treat. Many thanks to Bella and Dee at Severe Society, and Brandon aka Blackula and Hannah (videographers), for an absolutely wonderful time filming with Our bottom, Dee Arclyte.

Really, the purpose of this ten day trip was to connect with strong, like-minded Women that inspire, enjoy time outdoors in the sun (doesn’t NORMALLY happen in Chicago during February), and expand My network of kinky individuals to engage in play with.Sure, being sick sucked, and I would have liked to have played more in both cities, but the time I spent was spent very well. Aside from that, and LA having unusual amounts of rain, I got exactly what I wanted.
I won’t be traveling for a while, as the beautiful summers in Chicago are what Chicagoans live for. I don’t anticipate traveling much aside from a few regional trips (Detroit, Milwaukee, Indy perhaps) until early next year. Which gives you more reason to travel here to to get your dose of BDSM from Me.
~Dominatrix Alexandra Sadista
* The videos that were filmed in both cities will soon be available for purchase on My clips4sale store #50845 as well as