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Category: Edge Play

In Dallas, Texas – Friday, Jan 31st through Tuesday, Feb 4th

I am Mistress Alexandra la Sadista, a Chicago-based Dominatrix. Stern, demanding, and deviously perverted.

I am traveling with Mistress Simone of Chicago to Dallas, Texas for the True Desires event hosted by Maitresse Renee. Sessions are being scheduled for Saturday, February 1st through Tuesday February 4th in Her massive 7K square foot Dungeon.

Scenes involving bondage, mummification, sensory deprivation, needle play, corporal punishment/discipline, CBT/NT, select types of worship (E.G. foot, boot), and many more are an option. Players of all experience levels are welcome, but must follow proper booking procedures (instructions below). Refer to My website ( for the complete list of My preferred activities before making contact. Compatibility is a must!

For those wishing to indulge even further, you may inquire about Double or Triple-Domme session.

Inquiries can be sent to Mention “Dallas” in the subject line, and in your email include your interests, level of experience, hard limits, and any other pertinent details, such as current medical conditions. My time is limited, and I understand yours might be as well. Ample advance notice is preferred. A small deposit is required, otherwise our time will not be reserved in My book.

In the case you would like to make contact via Interweb, you may choose to do so using one of the following methods:

Gchat: Alexandra Sadista
Tweet: MsAlexandraS
Amazon: Or simply send a token of your admiration

Once again, Texas, I will be penetrating you very soon.

Alexandra's spit

~Mistress Alexandra la Sadista

My NiteFlirt Listing

Hello, pets. I find Myself on this sunny Monday morning with a last minute cancellation, thus freeing up My time for a couple of hours, until My next appointment. What better way to kill some time than by dominating you via NiteFlirt? It is rare that I log in to receive calls, so take advantage of the moment! 10AM-NOON CST. you will find My NF call on My website, or by searching for MistressAlexandraS.

Have a Kinky Day!


Remembrance, as written by a former slave:

Mistress stepped slowly across the wooden floor. Her heels made the most wonderful clicking noise – slow and deliberate, She walked toward me as i knelt in the middle of the dungeon, wearing only a latex jock strap.

“first things first,” She said, “I’m getting that hair off Your back, the fun way!” She had me lay across the gyney table on my stomach, and burned the hair off using isopropyl alcohol and cotton balls. I’ve had the honour of seeing Mistress play with fire, and i know She is very capable and safe with it. It didn’t take long till i had a hairless back, which matched the rest as Mistress insists i keep myself shaved all over.

Mistress sat down and had me kneel on the floor beside Her while She read an email i had sent. the email expounded on the fact that i was Her property, to do with as She pleased, and She wanted to remind me of that. She had me stand, took a sharpie marker, and began to write some of the key phrases on my body. She wrote in large, beautiful script across my chest, down each thigh, across my shoulders and over my lower back. She sat down again and told me to lie across Her lap. i was to receive an old fashioned bare hand spanking. She laid the paper in front of me and told me to read out loud as She applied the spanking. Mistress is a very skilled spanker, and it was difficult to read as She spanked my behind to a rosy pink.

when She was happy with the spanking, She ordered me to the rack of paddles and told me to select 3 implements. i presented them to Her. She chose one and began striking me on the ass. Mistress gave me 10 good strokes on each cheek, and then picked up the second implement. She came round to the where my head was hanging, and brushed Her amazing body across the top of my head. i was looking directly at Her magnificent feet, in my most favourite of Her shoes.

“you like these shoes, don’t you?”
“very much, Miss”
“how many strokes will you take for Me?”
“um, 40 Miss?” i suggested
“ok, 40 on each cheek it is.” 

She began, and luckily alternated five at a time on each cheek. my behind must have been very red by now, and She returned to the head of the table. i once again stared at Her feet as She asked how many of the final implement. i barely stuttered out “100 Miss?”. She agreed to 50 on each cheek, and said if i took them all i might be permitted to worship Her feet later. oh goodness, what motivation! the strokes had become fairly intense by now, but i was determined to take them all. Miss had me count out loud, and She would give me several in a row which made it hard to keep track! the last 6 on each cheek were very hard to take! i hope Mistress was pleased with the strokes, and it certainly helped me to remember my place.

for the next part of the session, Mistress led me to the back room where She had me lay on my back on a bondage table. it was chilly in the room, but She told me it would soon warm up. She put a blindfold on me, and soon i felt a paint brush around my neck, across my nipples, round my belly and all over my penis. i had no idea, and guessed it was paint or perhaps glue. then it hit me that it was liquid latex, which contracts as it sets. the next sound i heard was a blowtorch being lit! She moved the torch around, and the sound travelled up and down my sides, and behind my head! She put out the torch, and then i felt something very cold … i realized it was a liquid She was applying. She traced several patterns on my body and then lit the blowtorch again.

“You are covered in alcohol, a very flammable liquid – do not move!” i was shaking with fear – not fear of Mistress, She is the most trustworthy person i know. it’s hard to say why i was scared, but Mistress truly enjoys messing with my head, and She was doing just that!! i was whimpering and shaking when Mistress turned off the blowtorch and applied more alcohol. i could feel the cold liquid drip down my body, and i got colder as it found every nook and cranny on me. i was literally dripping with alcohol, and then Mistress lit a cotton ball on fire! i could just spy it in glimpses out the bottom of the blindfold, as She masterfully moved the flame around, coming oh so close to the fuel on my body!!

i whimpered that i was so scared – i was shaking and on the verge of tears. Mistress has held my life in Her hands on many occasions, and i have ultimate trust in Her, yet this was still truly a major mind f*ck! Mistress wiped me down, but She wasn’t finished yet … 

She had me move to the gyney table and sit with my back to Her. “have you thought any more about tattoos?” i replied that i had thought of a few ideas, and definitely want more. “I know you crave to wear My marks. I’m going to give you some that will last for a while. this is called cell popping, and I’m going to create a design on you.” i had no idea what was involved, and only felt several pin pricks at the back of my neck. Mistress had me look to see what She was doing, and i saw a flame with a couple of small, pointy tools heating to the point of glowing red. the sharp points are heated then applied quickly to the skin. sometimes a ‘popping’ sound can be heard! the heat lasts long enough for 4 or 5 ‘pops’, then the tools are swapped. one heats while the other is being used. She continued with Her design on my neck, and then popped a couple of cells on my arm so that i could see how long they would last.

A week later, and the marks from the cell popping are still visible and noticeable. i don’t see them going anytime soon. i hope Mistress is happy that She has marked Her property long term – again! Another amazing session with the wonderful, one and only, Mistress Alexandra Sadista

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